

July Type is a type design studio founded by Edward Dżułaj in 2023 in The Hague. The Studio specializes in providing users with high-quality retail and custom typefaces, combining historical knowledge with contemporary letter design craft for a global audience. Language support is essential to us, and we devote significant attention to ensuring our fonts are accessible and usable across a diverse range of languages.

Custom fonts

Custom typefaces are our favourite projects. We're delighted to assist you and design original custom typefaces that can serve as effective branding tools tailored for contemporary needs. Please feel free to reach out to us for a consultation.


Edward Dżułaj, a type designer born into a Polish-Ukrainian family, currently lives in The Hague, Netherlands. Having completed his studies in Graphic Design (BA) and TypeMedia (MA) at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, he worked on various type foundries projects. In this capacity, he had the opportunity to contribute to the development of system operating fonts for clients such as Microsoft. In 2023, he founded July Type Foundry. Since 2022, he has been serving as a faculty member at the Royal Academy of Arts The Hague (Kabk), teaching graphic and type design.


Contributors Anna Khorash Nika Langosz

Graphic design Anna Moschioni (Type specimens) Hyeonjeong Kim (Website)

Web Development Nedislav Kamburov

Font Engineering Rafał Buchner

Internship Ian Farkas İbrahim Kaçtıoğlu Ngoc Mai Stavros Gialamidis


July Type Foundry De Constant Rebecqueplein 20B, 2.09 2518 RA, The Hague  Netherlands

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